What does gallbladder pain feel like?

By Rita Camilos

What does gallbladder pain feel like?

Gallbladder pain is described as a feeling of discomfort and ache that spreads across the upper and middle right section of the abdomen. Located right under the liver, the gallbladder’s positioning makes it easier for pain to spread across large areas of the abdomen.

Many causes that lead to gallstone pain are related to dietary reasons. While there are controllable reasons that help prevent gallbladder pain there are other hereditary and unavoidable causes that lead to the development of gallbladder problems. When experiencing gallbladder pain, the feeling of discomfort and ache could spread all the way back in between the shoulder blades and could radiate in the right shoulder.

This type of pain could last from 20 minutes to an hour making it a consistent and lasting sensation of abdominal discomfort and back ache. An issue that develops in the gallbladder or the bile duct could lead to pain in the upper right side of the belly and to bigger health issues. Gallbladder complications could also cause a tightening of the breath and nausea.

How does the gallbladder function?

The gallbladder is an organ located in the abdomen right under the liver, and functions as a store for bile which contains cholesterol, fat, and other fluids. It directs bile into the small intestine and helps it with the absorption of nutrients and fat-soluble vitamins that get introduced into the bloodstream.

What are gallbladder pain symptoms?

Alongside gallbladder pain, there are many signs that can be ramified into indirect symptoms that indicate gallbladder complications. Here are some symptoms and signs that suggest a possible problem with your gallbladder:

  • Abdominal pain

    Pain located deep into the right side of the abdomen under the ribs could indicate gallbladder pain.

  • Jaundice

    Excessive bile can build up and enter into the bloodstream therefore causing the appearance of a yellowish tone to your skin and in the white of the eyes. Urine could also turn to a darker tea-like color, while stool could acquire a lighter-color.

  • Nausea and vomiting

    The irritation and the sense of discomfort in the digestive system is a common and widespread symptom that indicates gallbladder problems if accompanied with gallbladder pain. Acid reflux and gas are also digestive complications that are caused by chronic gallbladder diseases.

  • Chronic Diarrhea

    Chronic Diarrhea may be a sign that you suffer from chronic gallbladder disease. More than four bowel movements a day is a diarrhea indicator.

  • Unexplained fever and chills

    Unexplained chills and sudden fever could indicate the presence of an infection. An infection can be dangerous if not treated well and immediately.

What are the causes of gallbladder pain?

Gallbladder pain can be triggered for many reasons and diverse medical causes. Here are some potential gallbladder complications that are triggering gallbladder pain:

  • Cholecystitis: Gallbladder inflammation

    The inflammation of the gallbladder, also known as Cholecystitis, is a condition that could lead to the damage of the gallbladder's function if not treated well. Cholecystitis can either be acute or chronic. Chronic Cholecystitis is caused due to numerous Cholecystitis attacks.

  • Choledocholithiasis: Common bile duct stones

    After being ejected from the gallbladder, bile moves through small tubes and then settles in the common bile duct before entering the small intestine. Common bile duct stones are usually gallbladder stones that were formed in the gallbladder before passing into the bile duct. But in some cases, the gallstones form in the bile duct itself. Gallstones formed in the bile duct itself are more likely to cause an infection.

  • Gallstones

    Gallstones are hardened fluid deposits that form inside of the gallbladder. A high level of cholesterol could cause the formation of these small gallstones that could go undetected for years. Other types of gallstones are formed due to the presence of calcium bilirubinate.

  • Common Bile Duct Infection

    This type of infection is caused if the bile duct is obstructed. The infection may turn into a dangerous medical condition if not detected and treated early.

  • Bile duct scars

    Bile duct stones, infections, injuries, infections, alcohol, and drug abuse could cause the formation of scars on the bile duct tissue membrane. This case leads to a lack of appetite, night sweats, jaundice, and nausea.

  • Gallbladder Cancer

    In most cases, gallbladder cancer is asymptomatic until it reaches an advanced stage of the cancer. However, when the symptoms start to show, abdominal pain, unexplained weight loss, and belly bloating are experienced. Eating unhealthy food can increase the risk of getting gallbladder cancer.

  • Bile duct cancer

    No symptoms appear during the early stages of bile duct cancer. In case of bile duct cancer, an itchy sensation could be felt, as well as severe abdominal pain in case the bile duct is blocked. In this case, a surgery is necessary to eradicate the cancerous tumor.

  • Perforated gallbladder

    The accumulation of gallstones inside of the gallbladder could lead to a tear in the organ itself. A perforated gallbladder is life-threatening and could develop a widespread infection in the abdomen.

How can gallbladder pain be treated?

Depending on the exact reason behind the pain, gallbladder pain can be easily treated through normal and simple remedies, based on the severity of the feeling and whether or not it’s highly infected. These remedies include some home remedies and remedies that require medical prescription.

  • Changing eating habits

    There are certain types of food that deeply make gallbladder pain worse, such as spicy and fatty food. In case of gallstones, following a strict diet is not the most guaranteed method, however it helps with the pain.

  • Regular exercising

    As mentioned in the previous point, a low-fat diet is very suitable for people with gallbladder pain. Therefore, exercising would be a perfect solution. Why? Simply, working out reduces the level of fat in the person’s body, which effectively decreases the person’s chance of forming gallstones.

    Many studies have shown that having a healthy lifestyle, with daily workouts and planned meals, leads to better health.

  • Consuming specific relieving foods

    Strangely, there are certain foods that can be taken in this situation, to prevent or treat gallbladder pain. Apple cider vinegar, for example, is a perfect ingredient that can ease the pain thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric is a great addition to your diet. It has healing effects that can calm the ache.

    Peppermint tea has been proven to decrease gallbladder pain attacks, because of its soothing benefits. More specific foods are also advised such as, milk thistle, castor oil, alfalfa and more.

  • Medical treatments

    Like any other health-related issue, when a patient is suffering from gallbladder pain that hasn’t healed after trying all the home remedies mentioned above, specific medications can be taken which will alleviate the pain and reduce the risk of getting their gallbladder infected.

    If a patient has a very painful gallstone, then in most cases, morphine is prescribed. Some specific methods can also be done in the case of gallbladder pain such as the dissolution of the stone or a lithotripsy.

  • Gallbladder removal surgery

    Surgical methods are never the first options when it comes to treating a painful cause; however, many patients reach an advanced phase in their infections and require a surgical operation.

    Many procedures can be done, and in many different ways, depending on the patient’s physical health, and whether they can in fact take a surgery. Some of these procedures include cholecystectomy, or a laparoscopic procedure, or an open surgery procedure.

When is it necessary to get a medical opinion?

Basically, if the gallbladder pain persists for longer than 6 hours, then a doctor should check the situation immediately. Having an upset stomach and pain in the area of the abdomen for no apparent reason is a cause for attention, it could mean that there’s a definite infection in the gallbladder area.

Also, if any of the symptoms aggravate, then it is advisable to talk to the doctor and get all the clarifications from them. Signs include extremely high fever, severe bloating, malaise, or excessive vomiting.

Anyone with gallbladder pain might face some complications in the situation if the pain is not treated on time. They start losing weight without even trying, they consume painkillers without being aware of the dosage, they start eating poorly. It could all lead to more serious conditions such as pancreatitis, infections, bile duct blockage, and in rare cases, gallbladder cancer.


Gallbladder pain isn’t an impossible condition, and its remedies are easily applicable. Taking care of your overall health is extremely important, and when a certain pain feels unusual, one must not overlook it.

The patient should always identify the underlying causes of the pain and listen to their doctor’s advice in order to follow a healthy treatment process, leading up to full healing and recovery.

If you or anyone you know is suffering from unbearable pain in your right abdomen, call us today on (469) 562 4188 to book an appointment with our pain management specialists.